Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I've been thinking about home a lot lately. Honestly, there isn't a lot that I miss from home. A little snow at Christmas, being able to watch Packers games more often, and family. Those are the things I miss most, and I've missed family even more as of late. A lot of that is due to there being some good things going on back home re: kids birthdays, camping trips, family reunion/parties, and sadly one not good reason I would have like to have been home for too.

Don't misunderstand, I love my life here. Of the dreams of it I have had over the years, it has turned out even better. I love my job and have found a good group of friends (they know who they are) that make it that much better to drive boats around in circles all day and sometimes be a butler too. But there are also times where I wish I could just jump on a plane and head home, but I can't. I know in the future that things will work out so that I can do that, but that time isn't quite here yet.

All I can do is think about the family and hope they realize how much they are missed on a daily basis. I hope to see you all soon, and if not, I am thinking of you all every time I walk into the Magic Kingdom.

Skipper Yensid


Well, there is a beginning for everything. This is the beginning of my life as a blogger. 

Why now? Why at all? 

In this world much is happening in politics, entertainment, science and more. I, as much as anyone else, have opinions on all of these things and have found the outlets to express those opinions problematic at best. So here I am, trying a new thing that I hope will provoke thought and maybe even a few followers over time. 

A little about myself...  

As some may pick up from the title and description of my blog I am a Skipper at the World Famous Jungle Cruise. I enjoy my life as a skipper very much, and am sure that some posts will talk about this. Being a Jungle Cruise Skipper you can probably guess I love the Walt Disney Company, and this too will be the subject of many postings as well. I love sports, movies, video games, and outdoor activities. These too will find their way into this blog, especially all things Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Disney theme parks, Marvel, Green Bay Packers and more. 

I will try to keep posts coming to this blog as often as life permits, and more so when big things are happening. Again, I hope you all find something fun, interesting, entertaining, and maybe even a little thought provoking here and we can all enjoy together. 

Skipper Yensid